Creating an Application Data Extract

A copy of your applications data can be requested after your subscription service period has expired.

If you do not renew your Fusion Applications subscription before the renewal due date, you'll have the ability to extract a copy of your applications data from your production environments. This option is available only post the renewal due date of your subscription as described in the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and related Oracle Pillar document applicable to your Cloud Service, which are available at

To Request an Application Data Extract

For a period of time after your subscription is past its renewal date, your production environment displays an option for you to request an application data extract. The application data extract is made available through a pre-authenticated request (Par) URL to provide temporary and controlled access to the data extract.

  1. Go to your production environment details page.
  2. Under Resources, select Data extract.
  3. Select Request data extract. A job is submitted to create the data extract. The job might take several hours to complete depending on the size of your Fusion Applications database.

If you do not see an option to request application data, the self-service request period has passed, and you must file a service request (SR) with Oracle Support to create the application data extract.

To Download an Application Data Extract

When the data extract is available after the completion of a self-service request or a service request through Oracle Support, you can download the extract from the details page of the environment.

  1. Go to your production environment details page.
  2. Under Resources, select Data extract.
  3. The completed request will display as Succeeded. Select the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the line item, and then select Show Extract Data Link.
  4. In the View extracted data page, the data extract files from your production environment are listed along with the password to decrypt the data extract later. Ensure to retain the password.
  5. Select the checkbox for each of the files you want to download. The data extract will contain many files. Be sure to navigate through the entire list of extracts to download them all.

The PAR URL to access the data extract is valid for 15 minutes for you to start downloading files. Some of the data extract files may take longer to download. If you need more time to download all the files, select Regenerate, or refresh the browser page to reset the timer for another 15 minutes.

Working with the Application Data Extract

The data extract that you download is a compressed, encrypted TAR archive file, for example, Archive.tar.gpg or, or filename.dmp.

Decrypt the archive file by running decryption software, such as GnuPG, available at Install the appropriate version for your operating system. Follow the software instructions for decrypting the file.

To extract (or untar) the files from the archive, run the following command:

gpg --output an_output_file_name --decrypt filename.tar.gpg

Enter the password provided on the View extracted data page to start the extract. The extract files can be imported to a prepared database where the prerequisite users and tablespaces have been created. To get the current prerequisites, Open a Support Request.

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