Configure Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Data
As the cloud account administrator with the Functional Administrator or System Administrator application role, you specify the data load and reporting configuration details, and create data pipelines for functional areas that determine how the source data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications is loaded and displayed in the data warehouse.
The times visible in the Console are in local time zone. However, Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence stores the values for the Warehouse Refresh Date Time and Scheduled Date in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the autonomous data warehouse.
Any data you load into the autonomous data warehouse in Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence is subject to the data access controls that may not always match those in the source system. For example, if User1 doesn't have the rights to access some data in your source system, then when you bring that data over to the autonomous data warehouse in Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence, this User1 can access that particular data. If you want to have the same controls on the data, then you must ensure that this particular User1 has the same data access rights as your source system in your Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence user setup.
After every data pipeline load, the system clears the cache in the back-end as a standard step. You don't have to take any action.
- Typical Workflow to Configure Data
- About Data Refresh Performance
- About Pipeline Parameters
- Set Up the Pipeline Parameters
- About Global Parameters
- Set Up the Global Report Parameters
- About Reporting Configurations
- Set Up the Reporting Configurations for Enterprise Resource Planning
- Set Up the Reporting Configurations for Human Capital Management
- Set Up the Reporting Configurations for Supply Chain Management
- Refresh a Data Pipeline for a Functional Area
- Reset the Data Warehouse
- Reset the Cache
- Reset and Reload the Data Source
- View Load Request History
- View the Audit Log
- View Records Rejected in Extraction
- About Augmenting Your Data
- Create a Dimension Alias
- About Managing Data Connections
- Disable Data Pipeline
- View Notifications and Emails
- Enable Event Notifications (Preview)
- Schedule Frequent Refreshes of Data
- Schedule Periodic Full Reload of Functional Area Data
- Schedule Frequent Refreshes of Warehouse Tables (Preview)
- Override Data Pipeline Schedules for Functional Areas (Preview)
- Prioritize Datasets for Incremental Refresh (Preview)
- Extend Data with Custom Data Configurations